Our Health and Wellbeing section provides information on how to care for yourself and your children.
Learning in Health and Wellbeing ensures that children and young people develop the knowledge, understanding and skills which they need now and in the future.
At Bush Hill Park Primary School we believe that embedding Health and Wellbeing across learning, whether this takes place within the school or other learning environments, at home or in the wider community is crucial to healthy development and lifestyles.
The aspects of Health and Wellbeing which are the responsibility of all are:
- Mental and emotional wellbeing
- Social wellbeing
- Physical wellbeing
- Planning for choices and changes
- Features of relationships
- Physical activity and sport.
Alongside acquiring the essential skills of English and Mathematics, the development of skills and knowledge in Health and Wellbeing sits at the very centre of all learners’ experiences. The development of knowledge and skills embedded within Health and Wellbeing are central to healthy development, rewarding and fulfilling lifestyles across the life stages, and the employability prospects of learners. They have the potential to impact positively on the development of self-belief, self-efficacy and on the attitudes and dispositions that will help towards their futures.
Performing Arts
Why performing arts? How will my son/daughter benefit?
Here are a list of some of the skills your son or daughter will gain from participating in performing arts lessons:
- Creativity and problem solving – in all the arts, pupils have to ‘think on their feet/think outside the box’ and approach tasks from a variety of perspectives. “How would my character react in this situation? How do I portray this emotion through dance? Without even realising it your son or daughter is consistently being challenged to solve problems which develops their skills in reasoning and understanding. In an ever changing world where today’s knowledge is useless tomorrow, creativity and problem solving skills are necessary to be successful in any career.
- Confidence – Drama, Dance and Music all train a pupil how to convincingly deliver a message. Moreover, they allow a child to practice stepping out of their comfort zone, to make mistakes and learn from them through rehearsal. This process gives children the confidence to perform in a variety of situations, whether it be in front of a large audience or for a job interview.
- Perseverance and dedication– All of the performing arts are highly disciplined requiring healthy work habits such as attendance, punctuality, and effort. The reward for this in the world of performing arts is the applause of the audience when work is accomplished to a high standard. Video clips of professional artists are often used at BHP as an inspiring stimulus for many performing arts lessons. Pupils learn that to achieve excellence, he/she has to practise in order to pick up the skills and techniques. In an increasingly competitive world, where people are being asked to continually develop new skills, perseverance is essential to achieving success.
- Focus– This is a skill needed to achieve in any subject. During group work children must keep a balance between listening/watching and contributing which involves concentration and focus. Furthermore, it requires each participant to not only think about their role, but how their role contributes to the big picture of what is being created.
- Collaboration – much of the work undertaken in Drama, Dance and Music involves shared responsibility. This means that a goal is accomplished through compromise. This helps children to learn that their role in society, however small, makes a difference to the world.
How often do pupils at BHP participate in performing arts lessons?
Years 2-6 receive one lesson in either Drama, Dance or Music per week.
Are there any extra-curricular opportunities in the Performing ?
There are a number of clubs at Bush Hill Park Primary School such as The Musical Theatre Club, the Enfield Dance Festival Club and Street Dance. They offer pupils with a particular interest/talent in the Performing Arts a place to hone their skills, develop a deeper understanding and to practise something they enjoy with the support of expert staff who are passionate about the subject.
Physical Education
PE is not only an integral part of our school’s curriculum it is an essential element of our school ethos.
All children in KS1 and KS2 receive two lessons of high quality Physical Education each week as well as Active 15 sessions with their class teacher. The two lessons are split between Games, Gymnastics and Athletics (Summer Term). At Bush Hill Park Primary School we have a specialist Performing Arts Teacher who delivers Dance lessons across the school. When delivering the curriculum we follow the Enfield Scheme of Work, written by the Enfield PE Team. This has the KS1 & KS2 National Curriculum expectations at the forefront of their work. The Gymnastics curriculum is delivered by our own sports coaches, games and athletics curriculum is team taught with our sports coaches and class teachers for continual professional development. In addition, in Year 5, children receive weekly swimming lessons for half a year delivered by the expert staff at Southbury Leisure Centre.
At Bush Hill Park Primary School we believe it is vital to embed the importance of Physical Education as well as the fun element of being active within Early Years. In Early Years the PE timetable is slightly more flexible, children receive one lesson of PE each week along with physically active play throughout the day.
Extra Curricular
At Bush Hill Park Primary School we offer a wide variety of seasonal clubs for children in both KS1 and KS2. We feel it is essential that our children to gain experience a variety of different sports. This includes; Boxing, Fencing and in the summer Tri-Golf with our local golf club. Participants from these clubs then get the opportunity to represent the school in borough competitions using the skills that they have acquired.
In order to encourage as many children to be active as possible and enrich extra-curricular clubs we use external coaches as well as our in school sports coaches. We currently have a link with Tottenham Hotspur in the Community where they provide us with a coach who trains the girl’s football team.
Day of the week | Club |
Monday | Yr4/5/6 DodgeballYr1/2 Gym |
Tuesday | Football Team Club |
Wednesday | Yr3/4 MultisportsGirls Netball Team Club |
Thursday | Yr3/4 Gym ClubYr5/6 Multisports Club |
Sport Teams
Here at Bush Hill Park Primary School we offer an array of opportunities for all children to get involved in competitive sport. We have:
- two football teams (boys and girls)
- a netball team
- a mixed tag rugby team
- a mixed cricket team
- a mixed rounders team
- a mixed cross country team
- an SEN team
- an athletics team
- a basketball team
- a gymnastics team
We encourage and allow children to represent our school in competitions regardless of their ability level. As we offer such a range of sporting opportunities (both competitive and non-competitive) children have demonstrated raised levels of confidence, self-esteem and social skills throughout the school.
Winnie our Wellbeing Dog
School Wellbeing Dog
We have a school dog named Winnie, who will be trained as a therapy and wellbeing dog over the next 18 months. Winnie is an affectionate cockapoo, and loves the company of children and adults.
Winnie will work with our pastoral support team with a particular focus on emotional and wellbeing support and confidence building for pupils, and be a part of our ‘Reading for Pleasure’.
Winnie is very much a part of our school community. Pupils will gain confidence and build a companionship with her in a positive and safe learning environment.