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SEND Information Report

Bush Hill Park Primary School is a three form entry school from Nursery to year 6. The school serves a mixed area with a diverse intake. We value the individuality of our children and provide them with every opportunity to reach their highest achievable standards. We take account of each pupil’s experiences and needs and provide a broad and balanced curriculum. We have high expectations of our pupils. We focus on their achievement, attitudes and well-being. We demonstrate due regard to the SEN Code of Practice 2015 and the Equalities Act 2010.

We promote the early identification of any additional needs by assessing and monitoring pupil progress, and by working in partnership with parents and external agencies. We are committed to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs and abilities. Appropriate differentiation is carried out to ensure the school raise achievement and remove barriers to learning.

Identifying Children’s Individual Needs

Bush Hill Park Primary School is committed to early identification of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We have developed a whole school approach to SEN. This involves identifying individual needs as early as possible and working closely with parents. Information leading to the identification of children's SEN may come from a number of sources. The school adopt a graduated response to meeting SEND in line with the SEN Code of Practice 0-25, 2015. We have a stringent referral process which allows staff to fill out a form and request support from the SENCO or a member of the Inclusion Team which are discussed and relevant support/advice is offered. All children Information leading to the identification of children's SEN may come from a number of sources. These include:

  • For children entering nursery or reception we liaise with pre-schools, nurseries, external agencies, information provided by parents and pre-school transition meetings
  • For children entering the school as in year admissions, we liaise closely with previous schools, parents and relevant external agencies
  • In school – observations of pupils, attainment levels (National Curriculum and/or P levels), Foundation Stage Profiles, reports from external agencies, reports from previous schools, termly pupil progress meetings, standardised screening and assessment tool

The SEN Code of Practice 0-25, 2015 outlines four main areas of need

Area of need Definition
Communication and Interaction

Children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) have difficulty in communicating with others. This may be because they have difficulty saying what they want to, understanding what is being said to them or they do not understand or use social rules of communication. The profile for every child with SLCN is different and their needs may change over time. They may have difficulty with one, some or all of the different aspects of speech, language or social communication at different times of their lives.

Cognition and Learning

Specific learning difficulties (SpLD), affect one or more specific aspects of learning. This encompasses a range of conditions such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia. Everyone has a cognitive profile. A simple way to define these cognitive skills is to describe them as the underlying brain skills that make it possible for us to think, remember and learn. These are the skills that allows us to process the huge influx of information we receive each and every day at work, at school and in life. We all have relative strengths and weaknesses in our cognitive profiles but overall most of our skills will fall in the normal range. Where a person has difficulty with the majority of these skills which is reflected in his/her learning and day-to-day living skills he/she is deemed to have a severe learning disability.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties Children and young people may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which manifest themselves in many ways. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health difficulties such as anxiety or depression, self-harming, substance misuse, eating disorders or physical symptoms that are medically unexplained. Other children and young people may have disorders such as attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder or attachment disorder.
Sensory and/or Physical Needs Some children and young people require special educational provision because they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided. These difficulties can be age related and may fluctuate over time. Many children and young people with vision impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI) or a multi-sensory impairment (MSI) will require specialist support and/or equipment to access their learning, or rehabilitation support. Children and young people with an MSI have a combination of vision and hearing difficulties. Information on how to provide services for deafblind children and young people is available through the Social Care for Deafblind Children and Adults guidance

School Contacts for SEND

Your child’s teacher should be the first person you approach if you are concerned about your child’s progress. If you still believe they are not making progress and would like to bring this to the attention of the Inclusion Team, you can contact them via the school office in person, by phone- 02083660521 or via email below are the contact names you may need:

  • Anna Theodosiou - Headteacher
  • Anastasia Neocleous - Deputy headteacher/Inclusion Manager

What different types of support are available for my child?

In accordance to the SEN Code of Practice 0-25, 2015 the School adopts a graduated response to the SEN provision determined by the support each individual child requires. We have access to the following services:

  • Educational Psychologists
  • Specialist teachers for children with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP’S) of special   educational needs, sensory impairment/physical difficulties, Visual and Hearing Impaired support services
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • SWERRL- Strengthening Well-being Emotional Health Relationships and Readiness for Learning (Formally known as Behaviour Support Service)
  • Physiotherapists
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
  • In-house Learning Mentor Support for children with Social Emotion and Mental Health Needs

Multi-agency collaboration is paramount to ensure all children’s needs are met.  All of the above are used in line with the Local Borough offer which can be accessed via the below link:

Medical Needs

The school has a Welfare Manager which is on site full time. She is responsible for writing and maintaining care plans for children with Medical conditions. These plans are periodically reviewed and updated based on the child’s needs/changing needs. She also networks with other relevant medical professionals externally to ensure all children’s needs are met. If you need to contact our welfare manager you can you can contact them via the school office in person, by phone- 02083660521 or via email below are the contact names you may need:

  • Paula Nicholas- Welfare Manager 

Measuring Pupils Progress and Involving Parents/Carers

Parents and carers will be informed of their child’s progress and involved in target setting twice in the academic year. Others include;

  • School Based Plan Meetings for children on the SEND Register in which they have catered targets to support their needs.
  • Each child on the SEND Register has a timeline attached to their online portal for all staff who work within the Inclusion Team to access.
  • Annual Review meetings, for children with an EHCP of Special Educational Needs.
  • Multi agency meetings, for children that have support from external agencies e.g. Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychologist.

SEND Training

This school is committed to developing all the staff and offering opportunities for training in this important area. This training takes the form of staff meeting, internal school training, Local Authority courses and courses provided by specific agencies. It involves both teaching and support staff. Staff can also access training from other outside providers. Below are some agencies we have worked with in the past.

  • SWERRL- Strengthening Well-being Emotional Health Relationships and Readiness for Learning (Formally known as Behaviour Support Service)
  • SEND Services
  • The Thrive Approach
  • Education Child Protection Training


The School is fully inclusive and as such strives to ensure all pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum. As part of this, pupils have access to out of school educational visits, sports competitions, residential visits, specialist enrichment teachers, breakfast clubs and after school clubs. The school ensures that all pupils have access to these activities regardless of SEND requirements. The school uses a range of strategic planning, such as risk assessments and manual handling assessments, to ensure that SEND pupils are fully included in all curriculum and extra curricula activities. Parents/carers are consulted on a special provision required to enable their children to participate in such activities.


We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEN, and we take steps to ensure that any transition is a smooth as possible.

  • If your child is joining us from another school:
    • The Inclusion Lead will visit pre-schools with the Foundation Stage staff when appropriate.
    • If your child would be helped by a Transition Book to support them moving on, then one will be made for them.
    • Your child will be able to make extra visits to our school if this is appropriate.
    • We will contact the school SENCO and ensure that we know about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for your child. Where possible, a planning meeting with parents, the child (when appropriate) and any professionals involved, will take place
    • We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on to us as soon as possible.
  • When moving classes in school:
    • Information will be passed on from the old to the new class teacher in advance. School based plans will be shared with the new teacher.
    • If your child would be helped by a Transition Book to support them in moving on, then one will be made for them.
  • Transferring to Secondary School or another Primary School:
    • The Inclusion Lead will discuss the specific needs of your child with the SENCO of the child’s secondary school. In most cases, a transition review meeting to which you will be invited will take place with the SENCO from the new school.
    • Where possible, your child will visit their new school on several occasions, and in some cases staff from the new school will visit your child in this school.
    • If your child would be helped by a Transition book to support them in moving on, then one will be made for them.


The school do not have their own means to transfer children and from school. If your child requires any transport, you can find information on this within the Enfield Local Offer.

Support and Training for Parents

Our school provides various training sessions for parents. Our Parent Support officer consistently strives to offer courses to parents that cover a range of topics and abilities. If you need to contact our Parent Support Officer you can you can contact them via the school office in person, by phone- 02083660521 or via email below is the contact name for our Parent Support Officer:

Sophie Smart- Parent Support Officer

Support for Children with Emotional Difficulties

We recognise that some children have extra Social and Emotional needs that need to be developed and nurtured. These needs may manifest themselves in a number of ways, including behavioural difficulties, anxiousness, and being uncommunicative.

All classes follow a structured PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) curriculum to support this development. However, for those children who find aspects of this difficult we offer a provision of additional support which is overseen by the Pastoral Care Lead (Ilyas Patel) and our Assistant Headteacher (Kirsty Munns) which consists of:

  • Two full time Learning Mentors
  • Lunchtime and playtime support
  • Selected intervention programmes to cater for their needs
  • Assemblies
  • Curriculum Enrichment
  • Breakfast and After School Clubs.

If we as a school feel your child may need additional support, we will consult within the Inclusion Team and come to a decision about how we can move forward progressively. An example of supporting your child could include:

  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Child Adolescent and Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • SWERRL- Strengthening Well-being Emotional Health Relationships and Readiness for Learning (Formally known as Behaviour Support Service)
  • All information from outside professionals will be discussed with you with the person involved directly, or where this is not possible, in a report.
  • A home-school contact book may be used to support communication with you when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child
  • Bush Hill Park has a full time Parent Support Officer (Sophie Smart) who is able to meet with you formally and informally to discuss any concerns and sign post you to any relevant services or sup

Some children may need additional support with their behaviour in School, this can come I different forms

  • Small group work or 1:1 support in self-esteem, emotional literacy, anger management, nurture group sessions etc.
  • Additional Literacy or Numeracy support where this is identified as a barrier to learning and impacts on the pupil’s behaviour
  • Alternative curriculum provision
  • Referral to outside agencies such as Educational Psychologist, CAMHS, SWERRL- Strengthening Well-being Emotional Health Relationships and Readiness for Learning (Formally known as Behaviour Support Service)

Who can I contact for further information/Useful Contacts

Class Teachers should be approached initially to discuss any concerns you may have either by phone or at the start/end of the school day via the school office.

Inclusion Manager: Mrs A Neocleous can be contacted via the school office.

Tel: 02083660521


Other Useful Contacts:

Enfield Local Authority- Local Offer-

Every Parent and Child- Free and independent, confidential advice and support for parents and carers- Phone: 02083736243 or email:

Our Voice- A parent-led organisation seeking to improve services for children with disabilities in Enfield.
Phone: 07516 662315; email:

Community Parent Support Service- Available to all families living in Enfield. For parents of children aged 0-18 years dealing with concerns and issues before they escalate and become a problem.
Phone: 02083721500

SENDIASS- Special Education Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service.
Phone: 02083736237

Autism Advisory Service
Address: Enfield Advisory Service for Autism, c/o Russet House School, 11 Autumn Close, Enfield, EN1 4J