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We welcome all visitors to the school. You are asked to read and abide by the following protocol at all times during your visit. This is protect both you and the children and to ensure that your visit to the school runs as smoothly as possible. We ask that you:  

  • Pre-arrange your visit to the school, wherever possible
  • Report to reception on arrival and do not enter the school via any other entrance
  • Follow any parking instructions you may be given, then ensure that your vehicle is locked, and that it is kept locked, at all times while not in use. If you need to use or move the vehicle during your visit, drive with extra caution while on the premises
  • Once at the main Reception, explain the purpose of your visit and state who you have come to see. You will be asked to produce formal photographic (wherever possible) identification. If you are from an Enfield school you should show your school ID Badge
  • You will be asked to sign the visitors’ record book or equivalent, such as an electronic recording system which may include a photograph being taken of you
  • A visitors’ badge will be issued to you and you should ensure that you wear it, displayed prominently, at all times
  • You will be asked to wait in the reception area until you are met by an appropriate member of staff to be escorted to your destination
  • Unless it is a legitimate part of your visit to the school, if you find yourself alone with pupils/children, you should report to a member of staff or reception
  • Do not wander around the school unnecessarily and always follow instructions for moving from one area to another should you need to do so
  • Ensure that your mobile phone is kept on your person at all times and switch it to silent whenever possible, and particularly if in the presence of children; you are also asked to ensure that neither your phone nor any other equipment you may have with you can be accessed by pupils
  • Always use appropriate language and behaviour with children and adults
  • Do not smoke on the school premises or anywhere when with children
  • Ensure that you read and/or follow any other protocols or policies that may be given to you, or drawn to your attention, by the school, for example in relation to child protection/safeguarding and health and safety
  • Ensure that you are aware who you should refer to within the school if you have any concerns
  • On departing the school, you will be asked to leave via reception, sign out of the building, return your visitor badge and be seen to leave the premises.